Thursday, 3 November 2011

[W5] My Brainshark : Online and Mobile Video Presentations & Database

My Brainshark is another website that I learned this week in ICT in ELT class. This website is a cloud based software in which users can keep and modify their data from 'a static document' into a more active presentation. For example, My Brainshark allows users to change a boring Power Point presentation slides into an interesting video presentation by installing their voice and background music. Apart from that, My Brainshark can be a convenient database manager as it is capable of managing documents that it keeps. With these types of application, My Brainshark can be a powerful tool for ELT teachers to improve their teaching style for example, they can prepare a video presentation with recorded voice as a source of reference for students at home. Since My Brainshark has many features for learning purpose, it is sometimes complicated and acquires much skills to handle , therefore it is rather suitable for secondary school or advanced learners than the primary ones.

  • My Brainshark can be an interesting tool for teaching and learning. 
  • A very useful tool for 'connected classroom' - students and teachers' speaking activity outside classroom
  • Students can practice to use language and grammar and also record their practice so that they can revise it later
  • Users can embed the documents made and they can use it for blog or email it too

  • Its multi-features is sometimes complicated and can possibly be handled by advanced students or teachers 

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